

很久沒有記錄生活, 沒有特別數算從十月走到十一月的日子, 不過, 今天在忙碌的工作中, 突然很想打開blog 記下近月某些鎖碎心情, 始察覺, 原來已經過了一個月了, 整整61天。 這段日子很忙亂, 心情又是唱過高低起落, 回頭看, 一堆需要收埋不想理會及自省的重重覆覆 「小動作」, 討人厭。還好畫面曾出現很多人物, 不再是只有我自已在無病呻吟, 怨天怨地。 暫紀錄某些簡單畫面 ........ 借過別人的膊頭 ; 為指尖與指尖之間的觸踫, 心亂如麻過; 偶然以他的聲音伴睡, 還是夢不到他 (yoko 我已照你方法做), 其實, 既然人面已全非, 我還力爭什麼, 不再是面子攸關, 是.... 情懷不再; 林狗、草蜢、一峰x夏灣拿、salsa ......... 埋頭娛樂。 愛與不愛之間, 我選擇愛下去, 連串小動作之後, 又想不到堅持的理由, 為了愛人還是想被寵愛? 坦白一句, 我想自私地獨得, 滿以為時不與我啦! 原來 ......... 誤會一場。 爸的忌日當晚鄰家的太太走了, 她曾是武林高手, 太極教練, 最終還是敵不過「天氣」, 敵不過天意。 生命在倒數, TIME TO GO..... 我還需要想長大還是不長大? 夕陽無限好.......... 來不急想。 再續

7 則留言:

匿名 說...

你也有去睇一峰 x 夏拿灣 ?
我也有呀 !!

匿名 說...

Dear ##NAME#,

I perused your post (this post) with much interest as I was looking for ways to buy and sell company construction mn road. Unfortunately your article was not exactly what I was looking for
company construction mn road. But luckily there is a site I have found that allows you to buy and sell anything like company construction mn road with interest free credit and you can pay for your company construction mn road whenever you want. Here's the link one more time: company construction mn road.

匿名 說...

Dear Silverbell,

I perused your post (this post) with much interest as I was looking for ways to buy and sell georgia highway construction. Unfortunately your article was not exactly what I was looking for
georgia highway construction. But luckily there is a site I have found that allows you to buy and sell anything like georgia highway construction on interest free credit and you can pay for your georgia highway construction whenever you want. Here's the link one more time: georgia highway construction.

匿名 說...

Dear Silverbell,

I perused your post (this post) with much interest as I was looking for ways to buy and sell private road construction. Unfortunately your article was not exactly what I was looking for
private road construction. But luckily there is a site I have found that allows you to buy and sell anything like private road construction on interest free credit and you can pay for your private road construction whenever you want. Here's the link one more time: private road construction.

匿名 說...

Dear Silverbell,

I perused your post (this post) with much interest as I was looking for ways to buy and sell road construction safety equipment. Unfortunately your article was not exactly what I was looking for
road construction safety equipment. But luckily there is a site I have found that allows you to buy and sell anything like road construction safety equipment on interest free credit and you can pay for your road construction safety equipment whenever you want. Here's the link one more time: road construction safety equipment.

匿名 說...

Dear Silverbell,

I perused your post (this post) with much interest as I was looking for ways to buy and sell highway construction project. Unfortunately your article was not exactly what I was looking for
highway construction project. But luckily there is a site I have found that allows you to buy and sell anything like highway construction project on interest free credit and you can pay for your highway construction project whenever you want. Here's the link one more time: highway construction project.

匿名 說...

Dear Silverbell,

I perused your post (this post) with much interest as I was looking for ways to buy and sell road construction safety equipment. Unfortunately your article was not exactly what I was looking for
road construction safety equipment. But luckily there is a site I have found that allows you to buy and sell anything like road construction safety equipment on interest free credit and you can pay for your road construction safety equipment whenever you want. Here's the link one more time: road construction safety equipment.